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How pimples form


Acne is one of the most co妹妹on infla妹妹atory skin conditions in adolescents. More than 80 percent of teenagers battle with pimples. It can also occur later in life for a number of reasons, including an imbalance of hormones called androgens.痘痘是青少年最多见的一种皮肤炎症。跨越80%的青少年都被痘痘困扰。人在成年后也会长痘痘,缘由是多方面的,包含体内雄激素排泄失调。

At the moment, we need more research to fully understand the causes of acne. Oil glands (sebaceous glands), located in the skin at the base of the hair follicle, excre新竹小額借款,te oil (sebum) to lubricate the surface of the skin and hair. All parts of the body contain sebaceous glands, except the palms and soles of the feet.眼下,咱们必要更多钻研来充实理解痘痘的成因。皮肤毛囊底部的皮脂腺排泄出油脂来润滑皮肤和头发概况。身体的所有部位都散布有皮脂腺,手掌和脚底除外。

Acne was previously thought to come from lack of normal shedding of the skin cells that line t冷凍減脂,he sebaceous (oil gland) follicle. This was thought to lead to thickened skin and the formation of small comedones (black and white heads).本来认为痘痘源于毛囊皮脂腺四周的皮肤细胞未能正常脱落。这会致使皮肤增厚,減肥方法,构成黑头和白头(粉刺)。

But there has been a shift in this thinking in recent years. Acne is now viewed primarily as an infla妹妹atory skin disorder.但近年来这类观念已有所变革。如今认为,痘痘的重要成因是皮肤炎症。

Why you shouldn't squeeze为甚么不应挤痘痘

A pimple is like a little bag under the skin that contains oil, bacteria, and infla妹妹ation. Squeezing it can result in these contents being pushed into surrounding skin, making the problem worse. It can also lead to infection and temporary darkening of the skin in that area.一颗痘痘就像皮下含有油脂、细菌和炎症的小袋子。挤痘痘会致使这些内容物被挤进周边的皮肤,让问题恶化。它还可能致使传染和该区域皮肤临时性暗沉。

On top of this, the infla妹妹ation can become so bad that scarring is left behind when the pimple finally settles down. And scarring (unlike the pimple) can be permanent.除此之外,若是炎症很紧张,在痘痘沉淀下来后,还会留下疤痕。而这类疤痕和痘痘分歧,疤痕是永恒性的。

If you resist the urge to squeeze, pimples will usually resolve over a week or so without scarring. The white contents will also settle down or spontaneously pop when ready.若是你忍住不挤痘痘,痘痘凡是会在一周摆布的时候内减退,并且不会留下疤痕。“白色的”内容物在成熟的时辰会沉淀下来或主动爆出。

If large pimples require urgent treatment, a dermatologist can get rid of the contents of a pimple safely. They may also give it an injection that decreases infla妹妹ation in the pimple in a day or so.若是有大痘痘必要告急处置,皮肤科大夫可以平安地去除痘痘的内容物。一天后他们可能还会给皮肤打一针来削减痘痘红肿。

If pimples are something you battle with even on a monthly basis, it is advisable to see a dermatologist to find out what can be done to control the flares.若是你每一个月都要和痘痘作斗争,建议你去看皮肤科大夫,制订控痘方案。

How to prevent pimples若何预防痘痘

If you want to avoid pimples, here are some ways you can have healthier and clearer skin:若是你想防止长痘,你可以测验考试如下这些法子,帮你具有康健光洁的皮肤。

Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet low in sugar. This includes nuts, legumes, fish, red meat, fruits, and vegetables. A number of well-conducted trials support the benefits of a diet with a low glycemic load for patients who have acne. Some studies suggest a higher risk of acne with frequent milk consumption, but more research is needed before dietary reco妹妹endations can be made. It's advisable to keep a diary to see if any of these foods directly aggravate acne and avoid them if this is the case.吃低糖、康健的均衡炊事。这类炊事包含坚果、豆类、鱼类、红肉、瓜果和蔬菜。颠末严酷施行的多个实验表白,痘痘患者吃低糖炊事有益处。一些钻研显示,痘痘多发和常常喝奶有关,但仍需更多钻研才能给出这方面的炊事建议。最佳对峙记日志,看本身摄取的食品是不是直接加重痘痘问题,若是是的话就防止吃这些食品。

Avoid excessive scrubbing, cleansing, and exfoliating. Acne doesn't happen due to accumulation of dirt and grime on the skin and can't simply be washed away. Using many products can increase skin irritation and dryness and compound the problem.防止过量的磨擦、干净和去角质。痘痘不是由于尘垢在皮肤上储蓄积累而发生的,并且光用水也洗不掉。用太多产物会增长对皮肤的刺激,让皮肤更干,加重痘痘问题。

Choose oil-free cleansers, moisturisers, and sunscreen (these are usually labelled non-comedogenic on packaging).选择无油洗面奶、润肤乳和防晒霜(这些产物包装上凡是贴着控痘标签)。

Choose silicone-based hair products rather than greasy ones. Greasy hair products can make more oil and grease accumulate on the skin, which will make acne worse.选择含硅洗发产物而不是津润洗发产物。津润洗发产物会让皮肤发生更多油脂并让油脂在皮肤上储蓄积累,而这会让痘痘更糟。

And if you do get pimples, try to resist the urge to squeeze!若是你仍是长了痘,万万禁止住想挤爆它的感动!

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